Week 10

Week 10 of the REU experience was a very hectic one for me. We had SO MUCH DATA to analyze and interpret. For me, it was a very writing intensive week: everything below the methods section was written during this week. Since a lot of the data was not completely analyzed, we had to do that during the first half of the week.
On THURSDAY before we presented, Cassie, Bri and I traveled to IUPUI for a 6PM focus group for our PHI project. We meet with 4 pregnant women and we discussed their pregnancy experience. Overall, it went really well. We reflected in the car on the way back – the sunset that day was BEAUTIFUL.
The participants got along really well and were very open and communicated openly with each other.
The Wednesday Workshop this week was great. We spoke to a few people who work for or have worked for companies such as Facebook, Amazon, AT&T, Intel. It was great speaking to them and hearing their graduate school experiences and learning about what made them decide to go into industry. They were able to give us advise about graduate school and answer our questions.
Following that workshop, a few of us in ProHealth stayed back and spoke to Katie about the graduate school admission process. That was an extremely helpful discussion.
As a first-generation college student, this program has helped me to grow so much as a person. I was able to figure undergraduate school along the way. However, with more information, I could have made a lot of different decisions from the very beginning. Being exposed to graduate school and the process through this program has prepared me in the most thorough way. I feel confident about the path that I am on.

On Friday, we had our poster presentation. My roommate, Hanifa and her partner Eugine won best poster presentation! I had an amazing time presenting my work. It felt great to talk to people about the work that I spent the last 10 weeks working on. It made me realize that it is something that I am interested in doing long-term as a career.

Thank you for following my experience!
Feel free to check out the work that my amazing team and I have produced over these past few weeks.
