Week 10 – The Finish Line

The experience has been a roller coaster ride but we are finally at the end. We received our last data logger on Monday and data collection happened Tuesday and Wednesday. One of our data loggers didn’t function correctly so we ended up not using it. Thursday was a scramble to analyze and graph data for our poster. I’m still working on uploading the very last of our data and other important things. I’m happy with overall project and experience.



Paper. Our paper is linked here. We still need to add two of our graphs.

Poster. https://iu.app.box.com/file/305573443469

Lightning Talk Slides. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VIMXLTdJQ2pU1dkPiPhLM9GDT4Vq0PZ7h2lYxyL2YC4/edit?usp=sharing

Professional Website. https://kpratche.wixsite.com/kpratchett

LinkedIN. https://www.linkedin.com/in/kpratchett/

Professional Social Media. http://www.twitter.com/KiarraPratchett