Week 7 – More than halfway done

Group Updates

The environmental senors for the stationary sites came and they are in the process of being set up. I will likely have the sensors for the wearable side ordered and received by next week hopefully. We aren’t going to have much data by the end of the 10 weeks but we will have good documentation for future work in this study.



Paper. There haven’t been many changes to the paper this week being that we don’t have much to add currently. A few general revisions were added and I made of list of particular things that need to be ironed out. I’ve been learning how to do some basic descriptive statistics in R for our data analysis section.

Lightning Talk. This kind of caught me off guard when Katie told me that we had to do these. Public speaking is not my thing and being in front of a camera kind of makes it worse. It feels like literally everyone is watching me and looking for mistakes. But you have to adjust to it one day. For the talk, I just abstracted what we were doing, why were doing it, and what implications the work might have. I didn’t go into detail about one topic being that we were aiming for a 3-5 minute presentation.

Poster. We don’t have a physical draft for our poster yet but I’ve been writing down section I think we should include. So far I have: Abstract or Background, Methods, Data, Key Findings, and Future Work. I also think we should include some correlations graphs and images of the sensors possibly. I’ve been looking at past REUs and the posters on the wall for some inspiration.


Fun Stuff

I actually didn’t do much for the fourth. I stayed in and binge watched Grey’s Anatomy since I typically don’t have much time to watch it. I still have like 3 seasons to watch to catch up. I was kind of glad that I didn’t go out because it sounded like it rained on and off most of the day and I really dislike getting stuck in the rain.