Week 6

Hey Everybody,

I hope everybody’s week was good. Mines was productive. I finally completed the transcripts and compared all of them with my research partner,Morgan. That has now allowed me to move on to the next step of the research, Open Coding. For Open Coding, Me and my partner use the transcripts we edit and read and create code for each emotion or feeling and use words that were popular in the transcript to code with. I learned a lot about open coding through the Grounded Theory Book that Dr. Patil had us read. This week i will start on writing my paper and Dr. Patil has given me a few papers to model after when i’m writing my paper. My paper will be based on the 9 transcripts that i had to edit and read. I will also start reading the scrum book this week and give a review on the book next week as well. This week was productive and i can’t wait for ya to see the final parts of the summer research.

I hope everybody has a blessed july.

Fara Fadamiro