Week 5 Mile marker

It is now week 5, and we’re officially at the halfway point. It’s been a wild ride of juggling REU expectations from my mentors, mental health and overall learning experience the first half of this program. It feels like just yesterday we were coming back from Bradford woods and beginning the rigorous Bootcamp week. So far at this point, we’ve drafted the bulk of our research paper, recruited participants and will begin our first co-design session in week 6. Afterwards, we will be analyzing the survey results and insights from the co-design session through dedoose and building a data visualization for the My Data button in our HomeShare app.


Mentor Meetings and study progress

This week we had time to meet with our mentors on Tuesday during our HomeShare meeting we discussed a recap of Mini University, co-design questions and how our desired conferences for the HomeShare paper were UbiComp and pervasive health. We also have 6 participants! we are scheduling our co-design session for next week after we test out materials today with Cassie and her REU students.  This week I made a lot of edits in share LaTeX, and reading article. I plan to handle several readings over the weekend :

Wild, K., Boise, L., Lundell, J., & Foucek, A. (2008). Unobtrusive in-home monitoring of cognitive and physical health: Reactions and perceptions of older adults. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 27(2), 181–200. https://doi.org/10.1177/0733464807311435

Šabanović, S., Chang, W.-L., Bennett, C. C., Piatt, J. A., & Hakken, D. (2015). A Robot of My Own: Participatory Design of Socially Assistive Robots for Independently Living Older Adults Diagnosed with Depression. In J. Zhou & G. Salvendy (Eds.), Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Aging (pp. 104–114). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Martin-Hammond, A., Hamidi, F., Bhalerao, T., Ali, A., Hornback, C., Means, C., & Hurst, A. (2017). The Participatory Design of an Adaptive Interface to Support Users with Changing Pointing Ability. Proceedings of the 19th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility  – ASSETS ’17, 343–344. https://doi.org/10.1145/3132525.3134810

Katherine Wild’s paper was extremely interesting insights into how adults feel about in-homing sensing technologies and their openness to including it their lives if that data happens to be meaningful to them.

Peer review table:

We received our peer review this week, with me and Hanifa working together on Monday making several edits into LaTeX, and taking the peer responses in and addressing them.




Week 5

   – Iterated on pre and post survey and implement everything into qualtrics (finished, need to populate with participant data)

  • Adjust skip and display logic in qualtrics(done)
  • Work on iterations of a web site(work in progress, may decide to just make my own)
  • established online presence (Updated Twitter & Linkedin)
  • Read 2 papers
  • ran through co-design materials with Cassie and her REU’s

Week 6
– Prototype data viz
– Co-Design
– Final Paper deliverables
Week 7
– Building my data based on insights from co-design sessions and analyzing survey


– iterating on building  “My Data” homeshare app
– Read 3 papers
– Final Paper deliverables
Week 9
– hopefully wrapping up coding
– paper  deliverables
Week 10
– Wrapping up research projects & presenting at REU symposium

– Celebrate concluding research experience


Below is an alpha version of my professional website I was initially unsure of what website to use to host my website, I was initially going to build it myself using the brackets software package, but I decided my desires for my website did not match my current skill set in CSS, Java and HTML. After talking with an REU student I decided to use WIX to host my website, I designed a logo that I probably spent too much time on can also be found below. I will probably entirely redesign the entire website over the weekend. I also attached button included in my logo at the bottom of the page to view a pdf of my current CV.



Eugene’s Website.