Wk4: Making Progress!

This week was very jam-packed! On Monday I created my to-do list of everything I should have done by Friday. I swear by my google calendar but sometimes it’s nice to have something written down so you can gather all of your thoughts into one piece of paper. Here is what I did this week:

Monday: Eugene and I had our mentor meeting on Monday, instead of Tuesday. This was moved because Mini-University was happening on Tuesday ( I will explain what I did in a moment). In this meeting, we ran through how the session for HomeShare during Mini-U was going to go once more for last minute final touches. Kay, Eugene, and I also touched base on how we (Eugene and I) are doing with the workload. I expressed my concern how the Udacity weather application was not very fitting to the deliverables I had to meet. Instead, I am currently browsing available graphing packages for Android Studio. Here is what I have found so far:

  1. http://www.android-graphview.org/
  2. https://github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart

Right now, I am struggling with both. I focused on bar graphs for this week. MikePhil gives me errors when a string is assigned to the x-axis. So far only floats are allowed on the axis. I browsed discussion boards and I believe MikePhil is not incorporating this feature within his package. I will look into this more next week to see if I can find a way to get around that. Graphview solves this issue but my made up data is all wrong when everything is graphed! I wish I had more time to work on graphing tutorials this week but having Mini-u on Tuesday meant I lost time in the office for my other To-Do’s that are currently at a higher priority, so I had to make up for that time that was lost.

Mike Phil implementation: (also notice how the data is just a thin line (if you look closely you’ll see)? I will also investigate why “bars” aren’t showing up in my bar graph.

Graph-View implementation: (notice how my made up data is just jumbled and all shifted to the right?)


Tuesday (Day of Mini-U!) Remember that to-do list I made on Monday? Well, I did not really account Mini-U into my to-do list SO once this day was over, I was feeling a little overwhelmed! I did not realize how much of my day Mini-U was going to take up. In the morning, I helped Ben Jelen, PhD student facilitate his session on teaching older adults a little about Arduino Lilly Pad and allowing them to practice with a hands-on activity. I helped set up at around 8:15 at the Indiana Memorial Union (IMU), helped out throughout the session by answering any questions older adults had, and once the session was over we headed over to the informatics building and debriefed, wrote our field notes, throughout lunch! At 12:50pm I headed over to the IMU once more and helped my mentors and Kay facilitate the HomeShare session. In this session we had older adults play Bingo and test out a variety of activity trackers. Since I had to leave for the HomeShare session, once this ended (2pm)  I had to go back to the informatics building and finish up my fieldnotes for Ben’s session.  I also had GRE class at 4:30 -6pm as well so I was exhausted by the end of this day. Once I got home, I relaxed for an hour and started my personal GRE preparation. This day I did one chapter that focused on TRIANGLES and did practice problems afterwards. I also did my usual 20 vocab words a day. 

EDIT: After the HomeShare study, we had students who were willing to participate in our co-design that we will hopefully be doing sometime next week!!! (YAY! Making progress! )

Wednesday: Exhausted. I was so exhausted Wednesday which led to what felt like a very unproductive day. 🙁 All I could think about was how tired I was and wanted to sleep. I am a person who NEEDs 7-8 hours of sleep in order to function. On days where I have less than 7 hours of sleep the night before, coffee can’t even save me. Everything in me wanted a nap this day but I forced myself to stay awake and keep doing whatever I had to do on my To-Do list. I opted to do easier tasks that were on my To-Do list rather than things that required a lot of focus. I also searched for more website templates I could potentially use for my website. I made going to bed at 10:30-11 a priority this night which was the best decision I had made all day because the next day, I was ready to go! I also got my professional pictures taken this day. STAY TUNED FOR THAT! I can’t wait to change my LinkedIn picture to something more professional.

Thursday: Remember the people who signed up at the HomeSHARE session on Tuesday?… a majority of them CANCELLED ON US. It’s not their fault tho, they already have a super tight schedule so I understand. At noon, Haley, Eugene, and I camped outside of the Georgian room across Starbucks at the IMU for about 2 hours. We got 2 people to sign up for the co-design! So we’re back to making progress!
Haley also had people reach out to her for interests in being a part of the co-design so we met them Friday!

Friday: Two words: Word. Vomit. Today Eugene and I had to do a presentation about our plans for the co-design we are going to have all of the people we recruited go through. I love talking, but sometimes I talk so fast that I tend to just trip over my words and it’s a whole bunch of word vomit. After the presentation, Haley, Eugene, and I headed to Elletsville to people interested in the study. We also went to Bell Trace to recruit some people there as well.

Overview of final deliverables
By the 10th week, our deliverables will be the following :
1. A final paper
2. Data Visualizations for the HomeSHARE app [these will be based off of the readings we have been doing for the related works, and information we acquire from the co-design session that will be happening sometime by the end of next week!]
3. Website to showcase my professional/academic life

To-Do List
*Side Note: I allot hours 6-7:30 M-F for GRE prep, even on Tuesdays/Thursdays when I have class from 4:30-6.

Adjusted Timeline:

Wk 1: Ramp up week
Wk 2:
– read/summarize articles related to our study
– begin android tutorials and finish by the weekend (approx. 60 hours) [Udacity weather app]– Final paper deliverables* (view attached image/ deliverables are due on Fridays by 5pm.)
Wk 3
Start recruitment for Older adults and post flyers throughout Kirkwood
Continue android tutorials & finish on the weekend!
– Read ~ 2-3 papers
– Research helpful material for android development (will carry on to the weekend!)

Wk 4
– Final Paper deliverables
– Begin GoogleCode lab tutorial THIS DID NOT HAPPEN [graphing practice isntead!]
– Begin Model View View Model tutorial THIS DID NOT HAPPEN [Rashmi advised against this]
– Talked to Ninaad about graphing packages available for Android Studio that he recommends (he has experience with graphing). 
– Read ~ 2-3 papers (Read 1 paper, and Ben’s survey that he did for older adults)
Wk 5
Co-Design workshops  1 week wait, Friday Co-Design workshop with adults who wore our devices for a week.
– Read ~ 2-3 papers
– Final Paper deliverables
Wk 6
– Prototype data visualizations
– Read ~ 2-3 papers
– Final Paper deliverables
Wk 7
– BUILDING TIME! (let’s see if all of these android tutorials have paid off!)
– Read ~ 2-3 papers
– Final Paper deliverables
Wk 8
– continue building
– Read ~ 2-3 papers
– Final Paper deliverables
Wk 9
– continue building/hopefully close to being done!
– Final Paper deliverables
Wk 10
– Finish final paper and celebrate making it through the Pro-Health REU!