Week 1 Day 3 Reflection (23/05/2018)

Again, we were filled with a full day of lectures and skills.  We started the day by reviewing the previous day’s LaTeX codes.  This was very beneficial because I was having some issues last night with the positioning of some of the pictures and tables.  We were introduced to comments, italics, and positioning in a table.  By far, the most useful skill we learned was \input.  This helped solve the positioning problem but also introduced a useful organizational tool.  Finally, we briefly covered how to make fancier tables.

We also worked with Tableau, a software used for incorporating data from spreadsheets to create visual charts. We created two tables which compare heart rates of patients over a select period of time.
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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Visually observing the table clearly indicates how Saturdays have a higher heart rate occurrence compared to other days.

We also had the chance to finalize our Arduino projects, and my team of Alankar and Michael were able to produce this beautiful masterpiece;

Finally, we had project presentations for Dr. Shih and Dr. Cassie. These presentations were geared toward introducing some projects ProHealth candidates would be working on. My revised summaries will remain in continue being edited in Day Two’s reflection until further perusal.