The Last Week is Arriving…I’m excited to be getting more sleep but sad to be leaving!

Hi all,

In today’s blog I will be discussing our most updated poster, provide a link for our REU video, paper updated, our plan for finishing up our project, 5 things I wish I knew going into the ProHealth REU experience, 5 things future ProHealth REU students should consider doing to be successful, and an updated timeline.


Our poster iteration is still in progress, but we are coming closer to the end! We have made many iterations and our workshop one of the Wednesday’s was very helpful for feedback. They commented on some of our visual aspects that could be changed (no boxing things in, color scheme changes, etc.) and changes to our text (less texted overall, wording changes, etc.). Along the way we have also received feedback from both of our mentors, along with many opinions from others as well!

Here is a link to our most updated poster.


Last week I provided you with our video storyboard and this week I will provide you with our actual video!

We did a bit more thought iteration before we started actually taping our video and then started shooting. We are happy with the overall outcome of our video!

Video link is here.

Paper Update:

I mentioned before that we completely changed our paper topic in week 7, so we had to really work hard and create a whole new paper. Since then we have had many new iterations of our paper and have come very far with it! It is not fully complete yet, but it is very close. This specific paper we are working on will be submitted at WISH @AMIA workshop. We are hoping to get into this venue and to go and present our work and also meet more contacts within the field.

Here is a link to our most recent peer review table.

GRE Update:

We have our second full length practice test this coming Saturday and our final class is next Tuesday.

Future Project Plans: 

My partner enjoyed our REU experience so much that we asked to keep working for our mentors during the school year and they agreed to continue working with us!

Our next stop beyond the REU is to work on our week 4 FB activity and begin helping Fernando work on his paper to submit to CHI. We will be working 10 hours a week with Patrick and Fernando, attending meetings, working on the ARC method, and writing more papers.

We will be co-authored on Fernando’s CHI paper, as well as trying to write a new paper to submit to the CHI student design competition.

In the near future we are hoping our work with the ARC method will lead to more collaborations and paper submission opportunities.

5 things I wish I knew going into the ProHealth REU experience:

  1. It will be a lot of work, but it is all worth it!
  2. That the IU faculty we have worked with is great and if you are interested in doing an REU here I highly recommend applying to it!
  3. If you are doing the GRE course along with the REU, expect to have a lot of your time consumed by both.
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask any type of questions. From research to your personal life decisions the IU faculty is great and willing to help with anything.
  5. Make sure to balance your summer. Your work will get done, don’t forget to have fun along the way.

5 things future ProHealth REU students should consider doing to be successful:

  1. It will be a lot of work, but it is all worth it!
  2. Yes, your physical/tangible work is important but networking and learning from the mentors is equally as important.
  4. Learn how to work alongside your partner and team. Communication is key. Also, it is okay to not know everything, ask if you are confused.
  5. Learn how to budget your time appropriately! Don’t make your entire summer just work. Explore Bloomington & beyond, make friends, relax, breath, and overall just make sure you are learning and having a good time.

Timeline Update: 

Key: Things that were slightly changed in the timeline are in italics.

Week 1: Get to know the basics of the ProHealth REU and meet other REU students and mentors!

Week 2: Have related work and methods outline done. Read and explore more about our specific project including transcribing, summaries, and starting to look at the data. Getting IRB confirmation and other accounts sorted.

Week 3: Draft for related work and methods and an outline for the introduction are due. Delve more into data analysis and finding major themes, along with looking into possible algorithms. Review Facebook activities and solidify what we will do in these activities. Start designing how we will present TreatYoSelf Drexel App (video and guidelines booklet). Will find out how recruitment from PositiveLink is going on 6/8/27. More reading.

Week 4: Outline for abstract, draft for introduction, and peer reviews for both related work & methods are due. Start designing an algorithm for our forum data. Meeting with Positive Link to discuss Facebook activities and if changes need to be made to them. Have almost finalized video and guidelines for TreatYoSelf app to be discussed and reviewed with other before meeting on Friday. Meeting with TreatYoSelf group on Friday 6/16/17 to discuss how we will be addressing their app to the Facebook group.  Possibly launch the Facebook group and distribute questionnaire and ice breakers.

Week 5: Draft for abstract & related work, peer review for introduction, methods finalized, and an outline for findings and discussion. Depending on PositiveLink’s recruitment, we will or will not launch the FB group this week. If it is launched we need to run our FB activities by PositiveLink and we’ll begin our questionnaire, introductions, and ice breakers.  Use TreatYoSelf’s groups critics to improve our video and guidelines. Solidify our algorithm for the forum data and start distributing it (maybe –> Depended on the data).  Draft our online professional presence. Finish up transcriptions and readings that were assigned. 

Week 6: Peer review for abstract, drafts for introduction, findings, & discussion, and a finalized related work (iteration, iteration, and more iteration). Receive peer review data and give more reviews. We are planning on fully launching the Facebook group for those recruited online on Monday, July 3rd!  Since it is being launch we will be monitoring the group and implementing the guidelines, introductions, and ice breakers that we have created for the first week. We have also made some progress with our form data and we keep iterating on this as well. I will continue working on my online professional presence and other deliverables (videos, etc.). Receive feedback from Drexel group about TreatYoSelf guidebook and video and make necessary changes. Work on making FB activities applicable to both PositiveLink recruits and FB recruits. 

Week 7: Draft for abstract, finalized introduction, and peer review for findings & discussion. Continue iterating with online professional presence and other deliverables (videos, etc.). Facebook group should be launched, we will continue to monitor it and collect data while simultaneously launching more activities. We need to have our ranking of activity figured out and to be ready to implement. We need to find the best way to collect our Facebook data.Receive feedback from Drexel group about TreatYoSelf guidebook and video and make necessary changes. Here is a link to the video we made for them, take a look! Much more…

Week 8: Peer review for abstract and drafts for findings & discussion. Completely change our paper direction, which means iterate, iterate, and ohh wait iterate some more! Make necessary changes to the TreatYoSelf video and guidebook. Changes to FB activities: deploy ranking of problems activity and finalize photo elicitation activity. Work on poster and video for last week. Continuously change online professional presence. Keep studying for the GRE and figure out what grad programs what I would like to apply to! I’m a bit scared of figuring all of this out, but I am sure it’ll all work itself out. 

Week 9: Finalized for abstract, findings, and discussion. Basically finalize EVERYTHING!!!!! This week is major push time and will require even more hours in the books, but it is exciting! We have already finalized our week 3 and 4 activity for the FB group so we do not have to worry about that as much. Now we will be taking a more in depth look at the information that we received for weeks 1 and 2 and prepping the week 5 activity. We will be iterating a lot on our paper and poster this week, with hopefully great outcomes! There will be a lot going on but I am ready and excited for the challenge! 

Week 10: Everything needs to be camera ready!!!! Poster Presentation and packing by Friday! Make sure I say goodbye and thank you to all! Make sure i obtain everyone’s contact information. Have meetings with people I need to ask grad school questions. Enjoy my last week!


Happy Last Friday All! Picture Credit:


Until Next Time…

Julia 🙂