Post 7/17-7/21

Here is a link to our poster–hWSJnt44IcnhLkP2_JJTkmHEmvzrNJ_P4foATg/edit?usp=sharing

Here is a link to our video

Meg and I are making the final push to wrap things up before we go home next week. Our poster is in good shape. We just have a couple of tweaks to make. We still have edits to make in our paper, so that is going to be our main focus next week. We are not at the point of being stressed yet so that’s good. We finished our wireframes of our app this week, which was our main goal.

5 things I wish I knew before coming to the ProHealth REU

  • Figure out the bus schedule! Walking is not fun (if you’re lazy like me) and the bus is magic!
  • No one knows what they’re doing. You’re not alone.
  • Everyone here is so nice and personable.
  • The office is cold. I bought a blanket because I do not like being cold.
  • Bloomington is HOT. Dress accordingly. Shorts will be your saving grace.

5 things future students should know to be successful

  • You are completely capable of any project you take on! Even if you feel intimidated your mentors and peers are here to support you.
  • Communication is so important! When you are working with other people you need to be on the same page. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas and listen to your teammate’s ideas as well.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. No one knows it all. If you have questions, ask. There’s no point in sitting around when you know there is someone who can help you.
  • Work hard. It’s cliche, but you will not regret putting effort into your work.
  • Be open to different opportunities.