Chapter Eight of Ten: Growth

Good morning!

It’s the end of the eighth week, and my summer experience just keeps getting better.

We began our week with an early start! It was my pleasure to assist with teaching the summer camp of Girl Scouts how to create paper circuits, and solder. Both of my Girl Scouts were very sweet, and seemed very excited to learn about the paper circuits! Seeing their faces light up with excitement after making the circuits (all by themselves) was priceless. I felt accomplished by the end of the session, because both girls seemed to have fun. I am sure that they will continue with paper circuits after camp.

Later in the day, I attended an, in-person interview with a local bereavement support group facilitator. From this interview, I realized that there are people who sincerely care about those who are grieving. The waiting area was filled with books, and pamphlets concerning death, grief and supporting a loved one. This facilitator actively notices what people need, and tries to implement resources into the programs for the bereaved.

I feel that it is our purpose to implement a mobile application to allow people the opportunity to get to know people like the facilitator that we met. Finding groups, and having resources to help educate each person individually, will promise a better future for anyone who goes through the grief journey. Having the support of others in combination with a specialist who cares could really make the grieving process easier to bear.

You saw the poster for my project on last week’s post, but you can view an updated look here.

We also created an outline of our video with sketches of our mobile application.

Preparation for the final two weeks is a bit overwhelming, but I can’t wait to get it all done! 😬

Giving you my personal perspective from the palm trees of SC to the corn fields of IN.

-Meagan Price