07/10/2017 – 07/14/2017

On Monday, July 10, I and the other Prohealth students helped the Girl Scouts create paper circuits and solder LED to their design. I then worked on the poster and the outline for our video storyboard. At 12:00 p.m., Anne and I met with Ben to show him our prototypes and to ensure that we agreed on the themes that emerged from the participatory design workshops. I continued working on our poster and video storyboard and designed a negative rail as well as new cardboard bases for the LEDs.

On Tuesday, July 11, I spent most of the day editing our paper. I focused on improving the Findings, Methods, and Discussion sections, and Anne and I decided to place the iterations of our example objects in the Methods and move the descriptions of our bases to the Findings. I also spent time prototyping and built a negative rail.

On Wednesday, July 12, I prototyped! I printed another pair of 3-D glasses onto which I will connect my second iteration of the hard base. I also printed cases for the magnets that will be attached to the LED base. These cases have to be closed on one end so as not to interfere with other electrical connections on the negative rail. At noon, Anne and I met with Ben to get feedback on our poster and discuss the edits that Ben made to our paper. At 2:00 p.m., the REU students gathered to give constructive criticism on each other’s posters. I continued prototyping for the remainder of the afternoon.

On Thursday, July 13, I reconstructed the first two prototypes of my glasses. I worked on the video storyboard and peer reviewed a team’s paper. I and a few of the other REU students had a delicious lunch at Aver’s with Tom and his pastor!

On Friday, July 14, the REU students and mentors met in the large conference room for the weekly Prohealth meeting, where we discussed the week’s work and our favorite summertime activity. Our meeting with Katie at 11:00 a.m. was incredibly productive. We decided that we will submit a paper to the Tangible Embedded Interactive (TEI) conference. This paper will discuss a workshop that we plan to conduct sometime in the next two weeks where we test the effectiveness of our soft and hard bases with participants. At 1:00 p.m., we met with Ben and updated him about our meeting with Katie. Ben kindly spent most of the meeting guiding us in filling out the IRB! Anne and I spent the rest of the day filling out documents for the IRB and determining the materials that we will need to conduct the workshop.

Looking back on the lightning talk that I delivered last Friday, I need to more definitively structure what I will say in case I forget certain words, which is what happened last week!

Link to Lightning Talk:


Link to Poster Draft:


We need to improve on our poster in the following ways:

1) Remove boxes

2) Less icons and more labels

3) Better color scheme

Link to Video Storyboard:


We will be using iMovie to create our video.


Food of the Week:
