
Hello All,

This week has been productive. On Monday, Gabi and I started working on the wireframes for the mobile application that we want to create for DCC’s patients. First we started using a software called Mockflow, but after creating a couple of pages we found out that the free option has limitations–it only lets you create three pages. After our disappointment, we started using a different website called Balsamiq, this one allowed us to finish the wireframes for free.  This are the wireframe we have so far, but we are still improving on them. Also on Monday Gabi and I expanded our reviewer response table. On Tuesday, Patrick took Tom, Gabi, and me to lunch at Samira restaurant. The food was delicious–THANKS PATRICK. Later in the afternoon, Gabi and I met with Tom and Patrick to talk about our online presence, our resume, and our poster. Patrick shared some posters from previous years with us, and that was helpful to improve on our poster. So far this is what our poster looks like, but we are not finished editing it. On Wednesday, we had our workshop where each of the project partners put up their poster, and the rest of the REU students plus Anna and Fernando gave some feedback. Some useful recommendations given include to not have too much text but enough to understand the content–have an even mixture of text and pictures, not to use too many boxes, and to choose colors that contrast well with the writings. Gabi and I made some improvements to our poster base on the feedback we received. On Thursday Tom, Gabi and I were finally able to conduct our first focus group. We interviewed three primary care providers and they gave us some good ideas for design opportunities to help DCC’s patients. Right after the focus group, Tom, Gabi, and I sat and discussed the interview, and extracted the data that we’ll use to guide our design. On Friday, I worked on a storyboard for the video that we will record next week. Also on Friday Dr. Lamar took a group of REU students to tour the Neal–Marshall Black Culture Center, we learned about important African American figures that have helped shape the history of the University and the country. We also met some very cool people. Thanks Dr. Lamar for taking us.

Until next time…