Week Five.

This week went pretty good. We had a girls scout thing on Monday where we taught about circuits to high school students. I got to teach two groups of high school students about the circuit.First group of students that we had consisted of only girls where as the second group of students consisted of only boys. I noticed a huge difference between the working procedures of girls and boys on that day. Girls preferred to spent a lot of time on making cards, designing and painting than working on circuits and wires. Whereas the second group i.e. boys didn’t care about designing or making cards instead they were more interested on circuits and they asked us more important questions related to circuits and wires. We enjoyed teaching them though.

  • Write abstract and also work on improving the paper.

I had a lot of improvements to make on my paper. So, I made few changes in my paper from introduction to methods. Apart from that our abstract due was this week so, I had to prepare my abstract. I worked on preparing my abstract. Our peer review is going on and I received a review from my peer regarding my paper. I made some improvements and some improvements are yet to be made.

  • Work on code book.

We are working on making our code book. Lindsay from CMU and I are constantly communicating each other to build a perfect code book. Since, we don’t want our codes to be repeated we divided the work for this week. So, she decided to work on the codebook and I decided to work on importing papers from our trust folder to mendeley.

  • Gather more reviews.

As per our plans we still need more reviews but, since we have already gathered the reviews from yelp and google we are looking for some other sources to gather reviews. There are few options to expand the size of our reviews.

  • Work on TAMS.

We want to code the reviews that we have collected . For this process we are using TAMS. TAMS stands for text analysis markup system which helps to code paragraphs and sentences into few codes. We are still trying to get ourself familiar with TAMS.

Since, our this week’s meeting with Dr. Jen got cancelled we had not discussed about our research progress and other stuff so I had a meeting with Dr. Siek early in the morning at 8:30. I explained her what I have done so far, what problems I have been having and how are we doing the other stuff. She gave me some suggestions regarding my work. She guided me through other places where I was having some problem and explained how we will be approaching the remaining problem. It was a very good meeting, I will be following everything that we discussed during the meeting.

We did a lot of stuff this week ranging from teaching to volunteering to working on our research. Teaching younger students taught us what matters the most in the process of learning from teacher’s perspective. On Friday we had a tour to IU data center and it was also my first tour to a data center and it was pretty awesome. I had seem documentaries about the data centers of huge companies so this tour gave me a real time experience.  As a whole this week was cool, we learned a lot and also got an opportunity to experience a lot.

Link to Reviewer response table :  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_jBq5FKS24Ma25oOURSdnZ4Z1U

Link to website : https://madalmandal97.wixsite.com/ujjwal