I have my project!!!

Hello everyone,

Today was an interesting day. We started off with Anna teaching us about the details of designing a professional webpage with WorldPress. I have never done web design, so WorldPress will be an interesting tool to use for me. Then we had Dr. Natarajan who game a presentation about Machine Learning. It was a flawless presentation. I believe everyone was very taken by how good of a presenter Dr. Natarajan was today. He also talked about possible projects that REU students will be working on. On the afternoon, Dr. Siek gave us a presentation on elevator speech, and had us do a small practice. Then we had fun watching the videos made with the Arduino Lylipad.  Afterwards we had a presentation with Fernando where he talked about techniques and importance of prototyping. Finally, we got to rank our projects by how much they interested us, so we would get paired up with our mentors. I did not get my first choice, which was Machine Learning with Dr. Natarajan, but I got my second one, and I am very excited about it. I look forward to having a great research experience.

Until next time.