Assignment 4 (5-25-2017)

I’m really excited that we were able to get an extra 30 min. of sleep today. We began the day at 9:00 with a session/workshop on creating a personal website using WordPress/Wix. Anna explained the Do’s and Don’ts of a professional website. It is important to provide projects, writing samples, your resume/cv, and a form of contact for your audience. Our next session was on Machine Learning. It was a brief introduction to the different types of machine learning like supervised, and unsupervised learning. I learned about how predictions can be beneficial in the health realm. We all took a break for lunch and came back to prepare and practice Elevator pitches. I was able to talk about my research interests, and potentially what I want to do in the future, and how it contributes to society. Each session was equally important, but my favorite one was the prototype session at the end of the day. In this session I learned that a prototype can be done in paper, or through technological applications. I downloaded Balsamiq and played around with it for a little bit. I think that prototyping is really fun, and it allows visual creativity. The video prototype seemed to be the more interesting approach. I hope to be able to create a prototype in the near future!