Post 5/23

Today flew by in all honesty. Trying to figure out GitHub was trying, but I think that I am slowly getting the hang of it. Practice makes perfect, right? I was very excited to learn how to solder today and make a circuit. This was something I have never done before and I am proud of myself for doing something new and exciting today. It was also cool to read more about circuits and some of the fun things you can do with a few materials. I took physics in high school and when we went over circuits it went right over my head. It’s cool to see all of the different ways people can create these circuits. I really enjoyed soldering and it seems like more fun that the silver pen or the conductive glue in my opinion. Having the opportunity to work hands on with the materials has made it easier for me to understand the information and hopefully I will be able to explain things clearly to the Girl Scouts.

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I also got my ID card finally since I remembered my license and after a quick lunch I went back to the Informatics building and sat outside since it was beautiful today. I almost got hit by a car crossing the street to get to the informatics buildings but I didn’t so that’s good. I did get a little pink even though I had sunscreen on which is a bummer, but so far I am loving the weather out here.

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Although I couldn’t actually use my Lilypad Arduino since I didn’t want to fry it with my USB ports, it was really cool to look at it and learn a little more about it.

Today we also got to hear about Anna and Tom’s projects and I loved listening to them talk about their projects because it is obvious that they are truly passionate about what they are working on.