Assignment 2-5/23/2017

Today was a bit much for me! Grasping all the concepts of GitHub, getting started with the Lilypad Arduino, understanding ShareLaTex, doing paper circuits and hearing two project presentations was a little overwhelming. I am verrrry excited about all the new information that I am learning though. It is all very beneficial so that I am prepared for the summer and for any future work that I will have to complete. I will be ready to do the paper circuits when the Girls Scouts come so that they will be inspired to pursue computing in their future. I am starting to see just exactly how much researchers have to go through (especially when working with people). It can be kind of strenuous, and tedious because of necessary approvals to ensure safety of the subjects, subject response time, and constant changes/updates to protocol. Collaborative tools, and assistance of reference managers, and other tools are essential in research to help researchers progress quickly and efficiently.

This is an example of how a paper circuit could be. (This example is very advanced compared to what we created today)


Here is a Lilypad Arduino being used in action.


I am excited about all of the possibilities and opportunities that are now open to me just from the information I have learned today alone. I can ‘t wait for tomorrow!