Week 9

July 22, 2016

Updated Website!
It’s hard to believe we are really left with just one week!

Overall This past week my research team and I have been working on collecting data for our study. Over the weekend we distributed surveys to two groups of people who are in rare disease support groups. So far we have only received one response. We hope to receive more soon so that we may analysis the data. If we do not receive this data in time, we plan on changing our results section to our expected results section since our project is still in progress. During this downtown, we created a video for our project. The script for our project can be found here.

Here is a picture of me in between recording:


Click here to go watch the video!


This week we also made changes to our poster. We are still making changes due to the fact that we do not yet have our results. Here is what our poster looks like as of now.
RareDisease REU PosterNEW.pptx

5 Things I Wish I Knew Going into the ProHealth REU

  1. I wish I would have asked more questions at the beginning.
  2. I wish I would have made sure to connect with as many people as I could during the first weekend together.
  3. I wish I would have not slept late the first night.
  4. I wish I would have known what great people I would meet here and not have been nervous to meet everyone!
  5. I wish I would have know how to mentally prepare myself for all the new knowledge I have gained. (but this isn’t a big wish, since I learned throughout)

5 Things Future ProHealth REU students should Consider Doing to be Successful.

  1. At the beginning of the program, waking up early seems to be the hardest thing for students, but its better to get used to it now than trying later. Speaking from my experience, I was not a productive morning person but now I even wake up early on the weekends and get things done. I love it.
  2. It may seem hard at first but just remember that you are here to better your self and grow academically and as a person overall. That was my motivation to stay determined and on top of my work. Finding time to have fun is easy, those who find time to work hard when others are not working, are the ones who end up being the leaders of the pack. (I did not steal this saying it is just what came to mind right now but I’m sure I was inspired some where, by a coach or professor maybe?) .
  3. If you aren’t a planner (I was not at the beginning of the program) It is best to start practicing those skills early on. Planing everything has made getting things done so much easier and has also helped me manage my time more effectively.
  4. This program introduces a lot of helpful skills that can benefit you in research but the skills learned are universal. The only thing you must do is utilize them. During our first week we learned about a lot of different applications, services and things that can help us be a good researcher. Even if not stated, most skills can be transferred into your everyday life and by doing this can help you excel in many aspects. Everything I have learned will not be forgot after this program is over but instead manifested inside of me. So during this program, it is best to try and remember that what you are learning can also benefit you later, which is also a way to stay motivated to do your best.
  5. And Lastly, Remember to have fun doing what you are doing. Work during the summer may not sound fun, but its just the way you think about it that can change the whole perspective. By looking at this opportunity as something which will benefit you always, you will be able to feel like what you are doing is fun! Also think about all the new people you will meet that are interested in the same things you are. Whenever you feel as though you are not enjoying yourself during this program, try talking to one of the faculty or friends to see if they can be any help.