Ayush : Week 9


I still have to reorganize graphs and such on my poster. I was essentially told to reduce size of text and improve my approach, find out about authorship and wrap it up. I have begun reorganizing my poster and it is currently still in development. I am going to ask my lab and fellow interns for help to see what they feel about the poster.  POSTER


Video which ended up being longer than expected : ELK in Action


I ran my script and it turned out that it crashes on certain occasions. I plan to fix that but for your purposes its good enough and so it is not priority. The priority currently is to collect data for every 3 months using the ELK stack and create individual graphs for the poster. After that, if we have time we will create individual flow profiles. Our data is very sensitive so I will only upload my scripts(which wont run) since they are configured accordingly to the server)


5 things I wish I knew going into program:

  • There is always time to relax. Just because research is stressful  for majority of people does not mean that it has to be for you. More hours != More productivity. Research takes time, patience and perseverance.
  • Working individually and working in a team are two different ballgames. It is very important to perform as a unit and realize even if you are making progress but your team fails, everyone fails
  • Learn to take criticism positively! Your lab is trying to help you succeed.
  • Sometimes its not about your technical skills but its about your soft skills that are going to help you progress. Listen more and talk less!
  • Research projects are ambiguous. You will have highs and lows. You will feel like you are not making progress. You will feel like you are not qualified or you are not good enough. Embrace it! Accept it! “If you dont believe in yourself, no one will believe in you.” (Mr. Nigel R. Pugh) “BELIEVE AND ACHIEVE!” (BEN JELEN)

5 things future students should consider doing to be successful :

  • Listen more and talk less.
  • Perception is not always reality but how others perceive you is what they really think of you.
  • Dont overthink. Just do it! Planning is good but more planning leads to more procrastination leads to more stress and less results.
  • If you are stuck on a problem for more than a couple of days, it is not a bad idea to ask for help! Asking for help does not make you worse than anybody. It is perfectly fine not to know everything. Remember, you are working on this project as a team. You not making progress, hurts your team!
  • Always do your best and do each and every task with passion!