Week 8

This week’s poster draft was an engaging experience critiquing and being critiqued by others. The main take away that my  research team gained from the talk was to use pictures that contained more information value to the project.  For the final poster draft, we will be sure to iterate on this information when presenting our end of summer findings. In our lightning talk, we didn’t manage to win but we still had a great deal of fun preparing it! Every person approached the task a little differently and from my perspective, it was really interesting seeing different people’s personalities come out when we were doing this. Based on who won the talk a lesson that can be learned is sometimes placing a short video is more effective than using slides.

Next week I hope to have set  up a coffee with someone from each of the informatics, data science and computer science divisions of the informatics and computing department. Next post will see inspect how well this effort went. After meeting with Dr. Hill this week it’s certain we’ll have results before we leave, meaning that the final version of the poster and paper should contain information various tidbits of data that we extracted and would like to share. The tail end of data collection was a slow process that’s still incomplete but in next week’s blog, I’ll discuss our data.