Week 5

This week was exciting. It first seemed like it was going to be another bad week of no progress but we ended up getting some sample scripts to run that wasn’t working earlier. This was because we were installing the wrong version. Once we made the switch, it ran as it was expected. This is just very minimal as the script simply outputs data about the IR camera (i.e. Manufacturer, type, etc.) not any actual data from the IR camera like heat temperatures or anything like that but it is a start. Additionally, we found a framework that interfaces with the IR camera. Unfortunately, it seems that this framework is for use on a Windows platform using a software called Atmel Studio. We will further investigate this framework to determine if there is a way we can incorporate it in our project one way or another. This is good progress, however we will need to discuss this with our graduate mentors and try to absorb any knowledge they may be able to provide and get help with analyzing how to use the tools we found.