End of Week 4/Beginning of Week 5

PastedGraphic-1We continued our quilt prototyes at the end of the week (4) (work posted in previous post). And for week 5, we it’s time to really kick out the paper.

Week 5 Final Paper Deliverable:

  • Outline our Findings, Discussion
  • Draft our abstract and related work (for a second time)
  • Peer review others’ introduction
  • Finalize methods
  • Our Peer Review Template

So there’s a lot to do, but we’er just going at it with all we got. And one of the additional deliverables this week was to also finish up and present our websites. Mine is still a working progress, but it’s more than what I started out with. I also still have my (professional) Twitter and LinkedIn done!


Olivia at the simple circuit workshop for campers


Also this week on Monday, we volunteered our time for SOIC Summer Camp for High Schoolers. Similar to our workshop we had during the first week, we taught/reviewed how to go about creating your own simple circuit using copper tape, a 3V battery, and LEDs.

Game plan for Summer Camp workshop

Game plan for Summer Camp workshop

So that was a fun experience, and a great practice run for when we’ll be beta testing our workshops. At least for me, I have a better idea on what to take note of and what think about when wanting to prepare for our work shops that we’ll be facilitating this summer.

20160622_085550This week Olivia and I are working hard on our quilts and paper. We’er still waiting on our Joanne order for our fabric, so we had just decided to go a head a buy our own fabric so that we can get a move on our exemplars and wrap up our prototypes.



Olivia and me working on our wall sits (3@3)