Day 4 – Thursday, May 26, 2016


 Today’s Reflection

     Today was the last day of lectures and workshops during bootcamp week.  We began the day by reviewing the assignments from the previous day and getting our last ShareLaTeX questions answered by Dr. Siek.  Annu gave a continuation lecture on Qualitative Analysis and we got to use Dedoose.  From there Ben gave a presentation on Elevator Pitches and professional websites.  We got the opportunity to work on our elevator pitches and have others critique them.

    Then we went to lunch and I was kind of driving the struggle bus as the first place I went couldn’t take Campus Access because it was broken.  Then we tried to go to a place that was closed.  Finally, we went to Qdoba and got back to the Informatics building just in time for our 1pm workshop.

     Our workshop turned into a lecture because the lab that we were supposed to be using was full, so instead Dr. Connelly gave a presentation on the numerous projects she has done in the past as well as outlining what her summer project would entail.  After her presentation was decision time.  We had to submit a form with our project preferences and I think I almost wrote a book explaining how much I wanted to work on my first choice project.  I was crossing my fingers that I would get my first choice project and I did!  I will be working with Majdah and Dr. Connelly on a project that detects stress level in new mothers using wearable technology.  I am really excited to start the research!

     After the forms were submitted we went to the lab and got the opportunity to implement the applications that we had sketched using Android Studio.  My app was PillPerfector and it would check to see if the pills that you received from the pharmacy were in fact the correct ones.  Overall the day was fun and was a nice close to the lecture and workshop phase of the week.
