ProHealth Summer REU – Day 2 – May 24, 2016

Day two of Research Bootcamp.  We covered topics including GitHub, LaTeX, ethnography, Tableau, and ethics.


LaTeX output for an about me section:



Observation Exercise: this one would likely be considered exempt under IRB, because it is observation in a public place.

Chipotle Observation: Begin at 17:02 24 May 2016

0:00 – I arrive, choosing to sit in the high corner table in full view of the entire restaurant and both entrances.  A couple sits in a corner booth and a young woman orders food at the counter.  No one is looking at their phones.

3:00 – The young woman walked outside after receiving her food, a staff member makes the round and wipes tables, no one looks at their phones.

4:41 – A young tall man with dark hair and a blue shirt walks in from stage right, he orders at the counter.

5:20 – Two men exit the kitchen, likely having been relieved from a previous shift.

5:48 – Another man of similar age and height enters, though he wears a grey tank top.  He orders at the counter while the previous man prepares to receive his food.

7:27 – Both men (having food) pack their meal to go and promptly exit the restaurant.

10:26 – The restaurant is quiet, another worker retrieves some trays and checks for trash that hides in between cracks of the tables.

11:55 – A slightly shorter man with curly brown hair and a plaid shirt walks up to the counter and orders a burrito.

14:27 – The man waits at the register for his food and takes his hand in and out of his pockets, seeming as if he is debating whether or not to take his phone from his pocket.

15:20 – Two men enter the restaurant moments apart from one another, the latter (with short hair and a plaid blue shirt) has to wait while the person ahead of him is served.  He stands close to the counter, awaiting his turn, and turns a white iPhone over in his hand, neglecting to turn on the screen but observing it nonetheless.  His face is expressionless, mostly wanting to pass the awkward downtime rather than wait.

17:02 – A mother and her two sons walk in.  The oldest orders first and leans against the railing by the counter and takes out a black android phone (Samsung or HTC), he scrolls through a page before the woman at the counter hands him his cup.  He jumps slightly, quickly returns the phone to his pocket, takes the cup, then moves on to the soda fountain.

19:46 – The family finds their way to a table in the middle of the restaurant.  The younger child hunches over slightly while typing quickly on a silver iPhone, his expression seems emotionless.  When his brother returns to the table the phones are stowed and the three enjoy their food with muted conversation.